Grow your business
We offer guidance on taking your business to the next level and the best way to do it, from structuring the business properly to making sure you avoid pitfalls.
Minimise your tax bill
We go through your business with a fine-tooth comb and check to see that you’re making full use of any tax allowances and reliefs you can claim.
Cater for your needs
Whether you are a small start-up that needs a lot of handholding or a big established company, we provide services that best suits your company’s needs.
Help you to raise finance
We steer you in the right direction for additional finance without putting your business at risk, looking at options such as taking out a loan, increasing an overdraft or issuing share capital.
Register you for VAT
If you make all, or nearly all, of your sales to VAT-registered businesses, you may benefit from being VAT registered, as you can then reclaim VAT on any business expenses you incur. We deal with VAT registration for you – leaving you with less admin to worry about!
Help you manage change
Whether you’re employing more people, bringing on board a business partner or want to become a limited company. If your business circumstances change, we are able to offer you a wealth of professional support and guidance.

Our office was established in 1986. We now have two offices in Cyprus. We are certified accountants in Cyprus.
Delivering a range of professional accountancy and auditing services we can help to grow your business.
We specialise in delivering flexible and efficient bookkeeping and accountancy solutions. These can be used both off-site and on-site to manage day-to-day bookkeeping for SME’s, or scaled to deliver a complete finance team managing the entire finance function of a large business.
Quality Services
We are committed to the highest standards of quality. Our goal is to meet or exceed the expectations and requirements of our customers and assure them of an accurate, efficient and economical service. Our customers trust us because our services are carried out to the highest standards
Close Relationship
We treat every client with the same respect, offering the same conscientious attitude to every task we undertake, giving advice on what we believe is right for you.
Your Finances
We take pride in our ability to translate complex financial issues into everyday language. This allows us to clearly outline all your options and helps you understand all the factors influencing your decision. When we work for you, accounting jargon, financial buzzwords and legal terms will be thoroughly explained. And if possible, avoided altogether. We will assist you in making effective decisions.
Trusted By Many
Since our company was founded, we have been trusted by many businesses, companies, sole traders, farmers and individuals.
We strongly believe an accountant’s job is more than filling out returns and keeping your books in order – we are dedicated to providing a personalised service and guidance to help you make the best decisions.

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